Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

I received a special surprise!
 The Stylish Blog Award 
 From Trina, the very talented clay artist of Trina's Clay Creations.
Thank you so much Trina! :)

The Stylish Blog Award works like this:

You have to:

- Thank and link back to the person who awarded you;

- Share 7 things about yourself;

- Pay it forward to 15 blogs you like (but 3, 5 or any number is ok!);

- Contact those bloggers about the award!

7 things about me....

I am a Federal Officer for the Department of Homeland Security. 

I have 2 Keeshounds, Zoey and Doop!

I am obsessed with Etsy and playing Farmville.

I religiously watch, Say Yes To The Dress! 

I love crafts. 
I'm always trying out new things from
beads, clay, fabric, ribbon, wreaths, paint,etc!

I am a certified floral designer!

I am 5'0" - weigh 100lbs - and have 40% hearing loss!

I will share this award with the following stylish bloggers:



  1. You are very welcome Dana! It was so nice reading, and getting to know more about you. :)

  2. We're following your blog, we love it! Hope you'll want to do the same!
    Check it out

    Thanks, Roberta and Giovanna!
