Saturday, June 26, 2010

Use Your Networks! time goes on, it becomes obvious that your pieces of work start to become a little bit better and better each time you sit and really focus on your craft.  I've been noticing this myself in both my moms work as well as mine.  You start to become more detailed, more proficient, and start to add your own style into your work...eventually people will recognize and be able to identify your items from your own unique ways of constructing your pieces.  With doing this, you start to get noticed more, you make a name for yourself.  I believe we are on that path.  Still early in our journey..but I think we may possibly be heading some where.

In the last, oh let's say 2 months...our work is getting recognized a little more here and there and let me tell you it's exciting!  A local boutique has shown interested in many of our items and is in possession of some of our items right now...reviewing them to see which ones would be a fit in the shop!

Then, a few weeks ago, a cousin of mine who lives out of state happened to be in town for the weekend. 
He was looking over some of our items and asked if he could take some pieces back home with him because he has some friends that own a boutique as well and are always looking for new things to have in their shop.  So of course we hopped on that wagon!  Within 3 days of his return back home, we received the news that the boutique owner LOVED our stuff and is excited to carry our line in their shop! 
I thought to myself...their excited?!?!...... We are ecstatic!

And then....a couple of days ago my mother told me about a cousin of hers who owns a little restaurant near a local beach.  Apparently, a building near the restaurant was vacant and moms cousin bought it, fixed it up, and is now opening it up to be a little gift shop/candy shop/local artist gallery. 
My grandmother, Diana Smith, who recently wrote a children's story called, "Every Sock Needs A Mate", will be doing a book signing at the shop tomorrow.  (YAY Gram!)
While out there, she is bringing a few items of ours to show my mom's cousin to see if she would be interested in carrying our items in her shop as well.......COOL OR WHAT???

It may seem like we are just having a lucky month....maybe we are but, I can't express enough toeveryone to use your networks!  Tell anyone and everyone about your work, you never know who is listening and/or looking.  You also don't know who all your friends and relatives know that also would help you along the path of being noticed.  USE YOUR NETWORKS!!!

Every Sock Needs A Mate
By: Diana Smith

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